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To address these and many other questions, the National Center for Data to Health (CD2H) and NCATS are leading the creation of a centralized, secure portal for hosting row-level COVID-19 clinical data - called the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C). This initiative is a partnership among NIH institutes, HHS, VA, FDA, the CTSA program, and distributed clinical data networks PCORnet, OHDSI, ACT/i2b2, and TriNetX. The N3C will accept data via multiple data models and transform them into a common analytic model. The cloud-based collaborative portal will enable development of machine learning and other informatics tools that require a large row-level dataset, and will be overseen by a data access committee.

This global pandemic presents a unique opportunity to bring together top informatics experts from around the country to address our collective challenges. The N3C resource will offer a valuable and complementary contribution, not only for aiding the COVID-19 crisis, but for transforming how we perform global research as a nation. We believe this portal will provide additional assets needed to rapidly develop the analytics that clinical centers and physicians need now.

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Speaker Information

Melissa Haendel, PhD
CD2H Contact Program Director
Oregon Health & Science University

Christopher Chute, MD, DrPH
CD2H Co-Program Director
Johns Hopkins University

Ken Gersing, MD
Director of Informatics NCATS DCI

Mitra Rocca, Dipl. Inform. Med., FAMIA
Senior Medical informatician
Office of Translational Sciences
Center for Drug Evaluation & Research
Food & Drug Administration

About the Series

AMIA's COVID-19 Webinar Series highlights how the informatics community is addressing this global pandemic from all angles. From front-line informaticians and public health informaticists, to clinical and bioinformatics researchers, AMIA's members are uniquely positioned to leverage data and evidence in the fight against COVID-19.

We will look at the pandemic through a health informatics lens and is designed to share informatics responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Panelists will share their specific domain expertise, including clinical informatics, public health informatics, translational bioinformatics, clinical research informatics, and consumer health informatics. We will also have special emphasis webinars covering topics related to global health, telemedicine, and public policy during the COVID-19 pandemic.