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Using Speech Recognition and NLP to Identify Home Health Patients At Risk for Negative Outcomes

Home healthcare serves a growing population of older adults with complex chronic conditions. Identifying patients at high risk for emergency department visits or hospitalizations is crucial for targeting preventive interventions, yet current risk prediction models relying on electronic health record (EHR) data have suboptimal performance. Patient-nurse verbal communication during home visits may provide a rich additional data source to enhance these models.

Intelligent Systematic Literature Reviews (ISLaR): a Gen-AI Powered Tool for Real-Time Article Screening and Data Extraction

Traditional systematic literature review (SLR) methodologies suffer from inefficiency due to their time-consuming and resource-intensive nature. Our goal is to improve this process by developing an efficient Intelligent Systematic Literature Reviews (ISLaR) system, using Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 4 (GPT-4), for real-time article screening and data extraction.

STARR: Accelerating Clinical Data Science at Stanford

STARR is Stanford’s single integrated data lake containing clinical data of different modalities from the three Stanford Hospitals and associated clinics. STARR contains “raw” and “analysis-ready” data as well as tools to analyze this data.